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Have you had an accident and need your car assessed for damages? Our team is able to advise and gather information to recommend the best course of action to resolve your vehicle repair.
If you are involved in a car accident, a motor vehicle accident assessor may be necessary to make a claim. When you make a claim and if your damaged car is driveable, we can book an appointment to have the damage looked over by one of our authorised car assessment experts.
We work with your insurance company to ensure your vehicle is repaired to a condition that exceeds industry standards. Classic Panels deals with all insurance companies and will liaise with your insurance company to ensure your vehicle is back on the road as soon as possible.
We’re a specialist repairer for all insurers. We’ll also carry out any private work your car requires.
If you have been involved in an accident, we offer a comprehensive vehicle assessment report that will provide accurate and reliable information. Whether you’re uninsured, or not at fault, we ensure all vehicle repairs are conducted as per manufacturer repair methods.
We ensure peace of mind when it comes to working with our customers and their repair needs. We strive to provide exceptional service in all areas of vehicle assessments and car valuations.
Classic Panels works with your insurance company to ensure your vehicle is repaired to a condition that is compliant with industry standards.
We deal with all insurance companies in Melbourne and will liaise with your allocated company to ensure your vehicle is back on the road as soon as possible.
Our team specialises in a wide range of car repairs and ensure you are fully satisfied with our repair services on completion.
Once your car has been fully assessed and repairs have been authorised by us, we’ll book your car for repairs.
We’re one of Melbourne’s leading motor vehicle assessing companies for Shannons and Just Car Insurance, but we are also able to carry out for any private work your car requires.
Give us a call to make an appointment for us to assess your vehicle.
We will come to you to do a vehicle assessment to determine the damage involved.
Once we assess the damage, we will determine the value of what your vehicle is worth and the salvage value.
We will complete a report and include options for repairs. Being panel beaters we know exactly how to quote and value each repair work.
Had an accident? Let us fast track the repair process (03) 9792 2486
Classic Panels is a Melbourne smash repairer specialising in car smash repairs, panel beating and accident motor claims. With over 40 years of industry experience, our skilled team ensures your car is handled with the best care and expertise. We cater to all makes and models, delivering repairs to the highest industry standards.